Tuesday, June 1, 2010

May I introduce myself?

Hello, I am Isabella Conchita. I am a canine member of Spanish Village Art Center.... Some might call me a gentrified canine, an artist aficianada or, just a faithful fixture in the Village for the past few years.
Yes, it was a lucky day when I first stumbled into this beautiful artist's colony. My stomach hurt from hunger, my legs were shakey, my skin was covered with those lowly fleas, and my beautiful fur was all matted. I was so scared. Everyone took good care of me. The good artists gave me food, shelter and those long belly rubs and words of love. Soon I realized this was my home, Spanish Village Art Center.
Just call me Bella, which means beautiful....it's much easier to remember than Isabella, don't you think? Most people notice my long, fluffy fur, admiring my shaggy face, but my real beauty is in my feminine little nose, soulful big brown eyes and how readily I wag my tail. Other dogs tell me I am quite a dish.
Hmmm, talking about dish, I wonder what the Potter's Guild is dishing out for my dinner. I feel so special when they feed me out of their handmade dishes.....hmmmm, is that chicken salad i smell???

1 comment:

  1. Welcome, Bella. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures in the Spanish Village Art Center. Be sure to get your share of cold pizza that seems to be around often in the morning over there. I think it is part of the village's staple diet.
