Sunday, December 12, 2010

December Nights, aka: Christmas on the Prado

Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day....Steiner-Rice

The sun was setting and a golden glow descended on the village on this cold December Night's celebration. Many people began meandering through the village. As the dark fell upon us, the twinkling white lights generously strung throughout the village, gaily wrapped gift boxes whimsically hung from the trees, vendor's booths set up and down the main patio, and Santa's decorated gazebo added to the festivity's ambiance.

I got up from my slumber, did my Bella shake from head to tail...ahh, every hair is in place now, and proceeded to enjoy the night. One of my favorite things to do on such occasions is to see what I can find off the floor to eat...yummm, popcorn, bits of candy, hot dogs, tamales, and other foods....such delectable treats! How I love the Maddy's kettle popcorn! And, folks would stop and pet me...''oh how cute!'' ''she's darling'' and my favorite, ''honey, do we have anything to give to her to eat?''.....I can never get enough of the compliments, pets, and the treats!

And, I met 3 of my cousins from my maternal grandmother's cousin's (2nd removed) during the day....Tyler(boo-boo), Sammy and Edie(little girl)....they pose so well in front of the camera....meeting and welcoming other dogs in our village is a joy for me. December Nights in Spanish Village has something for everyone.

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