It is the beginning of the New Year, and the beginning of Spanish Village's:
Gallery 21 from
January 25th to February 28th
11 AM to 4 PM Daily
* Reception January 30th *
* 4:30 to 7 PM *
Admittance is free
The Small Image Show presents artwork, in all mediums, that can fit in a 10'' by 10'' cube. It is the Village's outreach and fundraiser inviting San Diego artists to participate in this yearly, juried, show.

Come to the reception where observing funky to fine art, conversing with artists, tasting yummy appetizers, listening to live music, window shopping the 37 art studios in the village, finding out who won the art prizes and awards, and just soaking in the ambience of art in our charming art village...most all the artwork is for sale.
As I watch Vicky and Michelle hang the show, I ponder the concept of BIG art and small art. What is the smallest of small art, and what is the biggest of big art? After considering this question like a dog chasing her tail, this is what I think...
Art, from quarks to smaller, from the universe to bigger, come from one's opinion and can be as unique as the art.
Art, like Beauty, is in the mind of the beholder.

I ran this question by Brandon, my poodle buddy, and he ignored me. I asked Emily, the village squirrel, and
Franklin, the arachnophobic rat, the same question and I got blank stares.....Matilda, the canyon coyote, was engrossed in chewing a one had an answer....
.....perhaps some things don't need an answer.Come visit us in the Village!
We are family and pet friendly!
Love and Kisses to my 2-legged and 4-legged friends,
Bella the blogging dog